Making Friends and Having Fun
Peckys operates two recreation services for adults from 18 years of age with mild to moderate support needs. The programs
give members opportunities to make new friends, increase independence, experience new activities and have fun.
Members choose which activities suit their interests and book to attend that program.
Viva Vibes
Operates every Saturday and regularly hold weekends and holidays away. This group is active and most of the activities are held in the community. There are a range of activities that challenge the members to go beyond their comfort zone and as a result further develop their strengths and confidence.
TNC leisure services operates every Tuesday night and every weekend. The Tuesday night activities are centre based and are focussed on promoting friendships and connections for the members whilst hanging out together in a safe and supportive environment. The night always includes a meal and an activity picked by the members. The weekend activities are held both within the centre and the community and gives the members opportunities to access local events and enjoy a fun filled night out.
Some of our activities include:
BBQ’s and picnics
Concerts and Live Shows
Restaurants and eating out
Pizza and movie nights
Weekends and nights away
Fox studios
Wax museum
Horse riding
Pancake making
Get in touch
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Mailing Address:
PO Box 889, Seven Hills NSW 1730
02 9688 3268
02 9832 2313